Warfield on the Revelatory Nature of Christianity

We live in a world that holds Christianity as just one religion among other similar alternatives, often either equally true or equally false. We Christians, however, must not see the Faith as such. Consider this paragraph from B.B. Warfield in the beginning of his great writing The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible.

The religion of the Bible thus announces itself, not as the product of men’s search after God, if haply they may feel after Him and find Him, but as the creation in men of the gracious God, forming a people for Himself, that they may show forth His praise. In other words, the religion of the Bible presents itself as distinctively a revealed religion. Or rather, to speak more exactly, it announces itself as THE revealed religion, as THE ONLY revealed religion; and sets itself as such over against all other religions, which are represented as all products, in a sense in which it is not, of the art and device of man.

This leads us, in our intramural discussions, to ask the question, “Has God spoken?” Because if the Word of God is actually the Word of God then it must hold sway over those who claim the name of Christ. Then we can argue about its clarity in particular points and our own interpretations, but let us not consider our faith as derived by man, rather as it is, revealed by God.

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